If you're a school, museum, college, university, dev team or even just a individual, we offer a range of services!
With over 8 years experience in tutoring and mentoring games development. we can help grow your skills and confidence in a variety of areas.
If you need any QA testing and detailed bug reporting we have years of experience in breaking games!
We have consulted on game festivals, college course content and even game jams!
Want to hear about our journey? Maybe want to give your staff or students some education on the games industry, then we can talk all day about game making and playing. We currently offer talks to primary schools all the way to universities. Look below for more details.
We currently help develop games with other companies, these tend to be smaller projects like making a a game or app for an event or collage/school project.
Need help publishing your app or game? We have experience with google play store and steam.
Running game jams can be great experience but not everyone knows where to start or manage a team on a tight timescale. We have a lot of experience making fast games and concepts which could help you run your event.
Does you need English to Vietnamese localising? Get in touch as our team can help. Vietnamese is very hard to translate using translators like google and often gets it wrong. So a skilled translator fluent in both languages is what you need.
What did you like about this talk?
Really interactive content
Explained answers to questions in depth
Showed examples of his work
Lots of time to ask questions
Very interested to hear about how games are made
Surprising to have something in common with TJ and he was very friendly and knowledgeable
Interesting because TJ had an informative answer for all of our questions
I enjoyed learning about the companies TJ worked for
What did you learn?
Can make games at any age
How long it takes to create games
What life is like as a game designer
More about gaming and what it is to be a game developer
That when working in game design your role can change
That your career choices are not set in stone and you can change your mind